Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pony regression, Pony progress

A few months ago PG had a spook that rattled her to the core. She has fallen off her pony more times than I can count, but this one was different.   We aren't sure what happened, but her pony took off at a butt scooting canter and jumped a vertical before she could get the stirrups in and it really scared her (even though she didn't fall).

After many many weeks of her swearing off riding, her trainer and I came up with a plan.  PG loves horses way too much to just give up...and I am so glad we didn't.  

We started by just doing a walk on a lead line trotting.  For weeks we worked back up to trotting alone and jumping poles (only). I wasn't sure she would ever work her way back up to jumping.  She was just too scared.

Her trainer told me that one day it would just click....and it did.  Literally from one day to the next, PG was ready to go.

And the relapse has been so great for her.  She has moved ahead in her progress in ways I don't think she would have before.  She has more confidence, knows how to react better and can read her pony like the back of her hand.

And now... she is cantering cross rails and verticals like a pro.  I am so proud!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pony Baby

Life has made a turn for the " more hectic" as we have welcomed Pony Baby into our lives! Have no fear.... She will likely be a rider as well:). Pony Girl is still riding string... Learning great things about approaching jumps and feeling/ reading her ponies body language.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pony bath

Part of Pony Girl's new responsibilities now that she is leasing is to wash her pony when the weather breaks. Needless to say...she doesn't mind the chore one bit.

She also decided to wash Ollie while she was at it:)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pony Lease

After trying out G Whiz for the month of December, we finally pulled the trigger!  PG has really advanced on Whiz.  She also has a bit more control of him on the ground due to his size and they both have ornery personalities....a perfect fit!

For the time being, we have made the decision to proceed with G Whiz over Breeze. There are a few things Whizzy offers PG that will help her advance some critical skills:

*G is more athletic - he rides and acts more like a pony. He is fast and will go...vs needing to be coaxed into doing his job.  This allows PG to get a lot more miles in the saddle and build up endurance.  It also allows her to learn how to consistently check her diagonal off the jump.

*G arches more so has a bigger jump and feels more like a typical show pony (where Breeze had more of a loping jump and canter which was great to learn on).

*G is just more of PG's size...she can tack up by herself (for the most part) and perform all ground tasks with him.

So...for Pony Girls upcoming 6th birthday...she is Half Leasing G Whiz!!!!!!

As you can see...she is beyond thrilled.    The situation is pretty good...a "free lease" where we pay half board and NO vet/ farrier bills.   However, Whizzy does not come "free" to Pony Girl.  We had some very long discussions about eating out, earning allowance and sacrifices she will need to make.  She has also decided to forgo getting presents on her birthday in order to lease Whizzy.  Pretty mature decisions for a 5 year old to make...we are very proud of her for thinking through her long term goals vs short term wants.  

And after all...who needs MORE toys when you have the ultimate pony toy to play with and ride:)

PG and Whiz with his new Polo wraps PG got for Christmas

Cute boy

Pony Hugs!!

Just having some fun
Picking hooves

Enjoying a more consistent canter

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pony Room

Pony Girl, like any self respecting pony obsessed little girl, has a thing for all toys pony.  She is lucky enough to have her very own Pony Room tucked away on the third floor to store 75% of her pony toys.  She doesn't have to clean it and can put whatever posters she wants on it.  I thought I would share a glimpse into her fantasy life.

For Christmas this year, PG asked for odd things.  She had your typical Pony Roy@le and My Little P on the list, but she also had random pirate ships and castles on the list.  She kept telling me "I want this, but I am going to take out all of the pirates and use it as a horse ship".  Crazy PG.   

This is Leg0 corner.  

And the warm up arena.

The trail riding mountains.

A barn on the hill.

A few more barns.

What all the walls are plastered with...

The top of the pony rescue center.

She has a blast up here and we will likely move all of her new pony toys into this room.

Pony love

Pony Christmas post coming soon!